Subscribe to a Dataset to Follow Updates

Is there a dataset that you are following closely?  Would you like to know when that dataset is updated in any way?  You can get email or in product updates for when a dataset is updated by watching a dataset.

How to watch a dataset

You can watch a dataset to get notifications on specific assets. On each dataset's Overview page, there will be a Watch button that allows a user to opt-in to watch a particular asset. 

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 12.22.48 PM.png


To watch the dataset, simply open the Actions menu and select "Watch this dataset."

Furthermore, you can customize how you receive updates in your Data & Insights notification settings.

For a short video on this process please see: How to Watch a Dataset

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  • Where can we edit the text for these emails?

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  • Hi-

    It's not currently editable but that may come in a future release.  



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  • I noticed that the Subscribe dialog still provides an option to Add to (the now defunct) Google Reader.   

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