You can contact a dataset's owner with questions about the content or validity of a dataset. If you use the "Contact dataset owner" feature, which is available on every dataset (and derived view) primer page, you'll be able to email them a message or question about their dataset and they can get back to you with a response if necessary.
To contact a dataset owner from any tab on the primer page, select "Contact dataset owner" from the Actions dropdown on the right-hand side of the page.
A message will then be sent to the data owner with the details you provide.
To contact the data owner of a chart, map, or other visualization, you’ll first need to return to the primary dataset source on which the visualization is based. This primary source is linked right under the visualization’s title. (If you don’t see the link, click on More Info.)
Click on the link to go to the primary source landing page. Then follow the steps above to send a message to the dataset owner.
* Please Note *- Some domains may have the Contact Dataset Owner functionality disabled.
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