Moderate and Manage Dataset Nominations

The 'suggest a dataset' feature will be removed from our platform on August 28, 2024. Check out this article for updated information on how to set up dataset nominations on your domain: Create a Dataset Nominations Form


The "Suggest a Dataset" feature is a great way to get feedback from your users about what data they would like to see. The nominations submitted can be moderated by Administrators and Publishers on the domain. If moderation is turned on, here's how it works:

1. A user submits a dataset suggestion to your site using the "Suggest" button at the bottom of the Data Catalog.


When that suggestion is submitted, it will be listed under "Dataset Suggestions" but will only be visible to users who are Publishers or Administrators on the site.

2. To moderate the suggestions, log in to your account and navigate to "Dataset Suggestions" by adding "/nominate" to your domain URL.

3. You will see a list of suggestions. New ones will be listed with a "New" status.


5. Click "Moderate" to have the suggestion appear on the suggestion page for the general public, or click "Remove" to delete the suggestion.

6. Once a suggestion is considered open (or moderated), you can then select "Approve" or "Reject" to update the suggestion status.

Receiving Notifications
Site administrators and publishers can start or stop receiving notifications about dataset nominations by going to Profile/ Account Settings/ Email Notifications.

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  • once you have deleted the spam from the moderations and left all legitimate requests, the approve/reject language seems redundant.  From our perspective we want to help each legitimate request, and if we can't provide the data at this time or if they are asking for data that we don't have, we don't want to say that we are rejecting it (that seems discouraging to users), but it becomes a feature request or get's added to our road map.  As a result I just mark everything as open that's a legitimate request and give them answers individually in the comments.  The approve/rejected should be removed, possibly replaced by something like "available, unavailable, under consideration"

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  • Hi Mathias, thank you for the suggestion! Would you mind adding that to the feature ideas, so that others can vote for it, and we can update you on our plans for that feature? Thanks again!

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