Sort, Grouping, and Rolling up Data

This article refers to how to perform these operations in our gridview tool. The newer version of our dataset exploration tool is called the exploration canvas. You can find more information on how to use the exploration canvas below.

Exploration Canvas for the Open Data Platform 

Exploration Canvas for the Enterprise Data Platform

Using the Gridview Features

Click below to watch a short video on how to sort data within a dataset or filtered view

To sort, group, or roll up data within your dataset:

  1. When you have your dataset open, click on the blue “Filter” icon on the right.
  2. In the Filter right side bar, click on “Sort & Roll-up” and then check the box for “Roll-Ups and Drill Downs” to get the menu, seen in the screenshot below:
  3. Under “Group By” select the column name that has the values you want to summarize.
  4. Under “Roll-Up”, Select the values you want to roll-up, and “Function” of how you want to roll them up.
  5. Click “Apply” and you’ve successfully created your first roll-up! Below is what my new view of the dataset looks like:
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