How to Configure a Georeference/Location Column

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A dataset must have a georeferenced column in order to be displayed on a map.

To configure a location column to be a georeferenced column: 

  1. Run the Geocoder in the Add georeference tab.
    • Use the Lat/Long option if you have latitude and longitude in two separate columns.
    • Use Address (separated) if you have street address, city, state, and zip code in four separate columns.
    • Use Combined Location if you have latitude and longitude together in one column.
  2. Select "Save."
  3. You may view the map preview.

NOTE: Data must be formatted correctly to run the geocoder. For more information about formatting location columns, see Importing, Data Types, and You.
Also, if your street address column has blank fields, the zipcode centroid location will be plotted instead.

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