How to Add Getty Stock Images to Perspectives Stories


  1. Log in to your Data & Insights account.
  2. Locate the story you want to add stock images to.
    Hint: Haven’t gotten started yet? Select "Create" > "Story" in the Asset Action Bar.
  3. If you haven’t already, add a dynamic content box using the Add Content pane.
    For More info, see How to Add Content Blocks to a Perspectives Story.
  4. Select "Insert," then choose "Image."
  5. Select "Photos by Getty" and enter a search term to search Getty Images’ 80,000,000 image library.
  6. Pick the image you’d like to use, and choose "Select."
  7. If you want, crop the image, add a link, or add alt attributes to describe the image for users with screen readers.
  8. Hit "Insert" – you’re done! Penny looks lovely.
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