How to Upload Annotations to Finance Insights

To upload annotations as .csv files to Finance Insights modules:

  1. Log in to your Admin panel and select the appropriate module (e.g. Open Budget).
  2. Select "Annotations" on the left pane.
  3. In the Revenue Annotations tab, in the Field Annotations section, see the Upload button which lets you upload a spreadsheet with your annotations rather than entering them in the fields.
  4. Create a spreadsheet with three columns: column, entity, and text.
  5. Complete the spreadsheet based on the annotations you’d like to add, and save the file.
  6. Go back to the Admin panel and select "Upload."
  7. Select "Choose File" and select the spreadsheet where you created the annotations.
  8. Select "Replace" to replace any existing annotations or select "Append" to add or append the annotations to existing annotations you may have.

Once the file is uploaded, the changes will automatically appear in the module and also be displayed on your site. Please note you may need to refresh your browser to see the change

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