What is Economic Intelligence?
Economic Intelligence is an out-of-the-box dashboard of leading economic indicators from commercial Third-Party Data providers, built specifically to help state and local government leaders measure the impact of economic programs. Packaging exclusive commercial economic data at the census-tract level in an intuitive interface allows you to derive insights on day one and monitor economic trends effecting your community. Connect with Tyler’s Enterprise Data Platform to integrate your operational data with leading economic data and share insights across your enterprise.
Economic Intelligence includes:
Metrics pre-configured in an intuitive interface
On-the-fly analysis with industry breakouts
Maps with data aggregated by census tract
Weekly or monthly updates (varies by data source)
Exportable data for flexible analysis
How does Economic Intelligence help governments manage their Economic Development strategy?
With granular, timely data at their fingertips, state and local governments can lead strategic, equitable economic programs and can answer major policy questions, such as:
What is the state of the economy in my community?
Track detailed insights into community prosperity on a neighborhood by neighborhood, industry by industry basis
Which neighborhoods and industries are most at risk of being left behind?
Pinpoint and promote equity in your economy
Did a particular economic intervention achieve the desired outcomes?
Evaluate the performance of your initiatives and interventions across a variety of KPIs
What data sources are included with Economic Intelligence?
The following data sources are included with Economic Intelligence:
Safegraph Mobility Data allows users to track and analyze visits at businesses and other public points of interest, a critical signal of economic activity.
Safegraph Business Revenues Data shows how local business revenues are trending, and can be used to identify industries and neighborhoods that have been most affected by the pandemic or other events.
Affinity Consumer Spending Data reveals changes in consumption trends, and can be used to figure out if demand matches supply within a community.
ProspectNow Residential Real Estate Data delivers insights into which neighborhoods are seeing surges or declines in residential property values and real estate activity.
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