New content blocks released for Stories (June 17, 2019)


  • We have introduced two new content blocks for users to add to their Stories: (1) 1/3 media & text (2) 2/3 text & media.***

Coming Soon!

Expected release – 1 week

  • Users will soon be able to insert a table of contents into a Story.***
    • Story publishers will soon be able to insert a table of contents into a story to help readers easily navigate between sections within a story, as well as other stories on their site.
  • Customization of the word "Target" on Measures.***

Expected release – ~1-2 months

  • We are updating Perspectives roles to better enable users to create and collaborate on Stories. When a Story is shared with a user, the user will be able to view and/or collaborate on that story even if this user does not have a role with permission to create and edit Stories.

Major Updates

  • Measures with annual reporting periods will display the end year on the metric card when the x-axis start date is not January 1 of the reporting year.
  • Resolved an issue in which the "View Measure" and "View Source" links differed in size.
  • Resolved an issue in the y-axis scaling that caused an error to render on the Measure metric visualization.


Legend: *** client requested functionality

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