Improved Perspectives user rights coming soon (January 13, 2020)

Major Updates

  • Updated the permissions on Editors and Editors+Perspectives roled users to now have the ability to create Measures.***

Minor Updates

  • Previously, if a user's login session timed out while viewing a Story page, they would only be directed to log back in. Now, they will be redirected back to that Story page after logging in.
  • Resolved an issue where Measures configured with last value reporting period did not render the appropriate calculation.
  • Resolved an issue with the copy for Recent Value calculations within Measures.
  • Resolved an issue in which the Measure calculation was exceeding the bounds of the Sample Result box.
  • Resolved an issue where Measure calculations would return a number of decimal places exceeding the bounds of the "Sample Result" box. 
  • Accessibility updates to the Measure status banner colors.
  • Resolved an issue where users with the Editor or Editor+Perspectives role, when added as a Collaborator to a private visualization asset, would encounter a 500 error when attempting to load that asset.

Coming Soon!

Expected release ~1 month

  • We are updating Perspectives roles to better enable users to create and collaborate on Stories. When a Story is shared with a user, the user will be able to view and/or collaborate on that story even if this user does not have a role with permission to create and edit Stories.

Legend: *** client-requested functionality

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