Esri Connector Creates New Maps

Beginning in June 2020, the Esri connector will create new maps instead of creating Classic Maps. This change allows customers to take advantage of the updated map features and performance as well as provides a separate dataset asset for each map created. The dataset includes all the features other datasets enjoy including a primer page and the ability to create additional views and visualizations directly from the dataset.

The process to set up the Esri connector and select which assets to connect remains unchanged as explained in this support article. The change begins when the Esri assets are synced to Data & Insights. Once the selected assets are successfully synced, separate map and dataset assets will be created. Both assets will include the title and description metadata directly from Esri. Please note that any changes to the dataset or the map (e.g. title, description) made in the Data & Insights platform will be overwritten each time the assets sync from Esri.

An additional benefit to this change is that styling will be pulled from Esri and updated each time the assets sync.

c882ea71-72b9-43eb-9191-31d2d65a837e.pngBoth the map and dataset assets will be published as public and appear in the catalog. Users with the required permissions can hide either asset if they do not want one or the other to appear in the catalog. These users can also make the assets private. If the dataset asset is changed to private, then both the dataset and the map are made private. If the map asset is made private, then the dataset asset remains public.

Maps created using the Esri Connector prior to this change will not be impacted. They will continue to exist as Classic Maps, without an associated dataset, and update in the same manner.

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