Added geojson API endpoints to the export dropdown on the Overview Page.
Changed the behavior of export on the Overview page to ensure that the all data option returns everything from the view, and filtered data option exports what is visible in the table at time of export including removed columns and search results.
Resolved a problem preventing the default Google base maps from rendering for legacy Mondara maps.
Resolved a rendering issue where Latitude values were not showing on the Overview page table.
Resolved an issue where exports of SoQL views with UNION were limited to 1000 rows.
Resolved issue causing Timeline chart summary tables to lose the column formatting set in its parent asset.
Resolved issue causing the Custom Color Palette in Stories to appear to be deleted when clicking on the Preview button.
Resolved issue preventing custom colors from being applied to pie charts.
If you have any questions about our platform, please reach out to us at datainsights-support@tylertech.com and let us know!
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