Focus Cards are content blocks on the homepage that highlight specific information within the module. These cards are available on Expenditures, Budget and Payroll, giving administrators far greater ability to customize the content and message on their Open Budget homepage.
In addition to the main card, you can create additional focus cards to highlight specific information on your site.
Lets take an Open Budget site for example, in the additional card you have many different configurations to highlight information from revenue, expenditures or capital. The top half of the card is Card Data, where you can customize what data you want to show and how you want to show it.
In addition to customizing by a Primary Metric, you can also drill down to show specific entries. In the example above I have configurated the card to only show revenues for the Cable TV department. You can also modify the Visualization Type, choosing to display a Bar Chart, Table, or simply an Explore link which will drill you down into the data.
You can further customize the card in the Card Content section.
To add more cards you can simply click:
Removing Cards
The removal of cards can be done in the top right of each card box. For the Main Card, this takes the form of a checkbox, to hide the card just uncheck the box and save.
For other cards, you can completely delete them by selecting the Trash Can icon in the top right, please note that this will completely remove the configuration and cannot be restored.
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