Maps: Diverging Scale and Midpoint


Diverging scales are used when a user needs to visualize the deviation of data values in one of two directions relative to a neutral midpoint – e.g. when a dataset contains +/- numbers. Typically, these are shown with obvious different colors for the +/- numbers. A diverging scale renders on a map as two sequential color scales attached at a common midpoint.

Diverging scale and midpoints are available for linear classified maps. For more information on creating maps, please reference Creating Maps with Point Data or Creating Maps with Lines and Polygons.



  • In order for users to utilize a diverging scale and midpoint, they must select a numerical column for coloring by value and a linear classification method

  • There are two diverging color palette scales available - diverging 1, diverging 2

  • Bucket values and colors will adjust based on the number of data classes selected


Example Linear Midpoint

Below is an example of how a midpoint would be classified.

  • Data points go from 0 - 100
  • Midpoint is set to 20
  • -60 min value 100 max
  • Divide into a defined number of containers
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