Gateway software is simple, but since the applications reside on the client side, there can be many issues that occur during installation. This page documents them as they are discovered.
This is generally because the gateway service can't locate the Java application it needs in the user's directory. The Gateway service needs to be pointed to the directory where it can find the Java application. See this document (for Windows). Java Errors - covered in this article on Gateway Java Errors.
This is usually a permissions issue. Errors indicating permissions or incorrect secrets point to this issue.
To reset the credentials, bring up your terminal in the directory with the socrata-ingress-agent.jar file and enter:
java -jar socrata-ingress-agent.jar --reset-credential
A little dialog box will pop up where you can enter your Data and Insights username/password. This will reset the credential and should resolve this issue.
Accept this license (r to re-view)? [r/y/N]
java.lang.Exception: License was not accepted
The solution should be to add --auto-accept-plugin-licenses to the command you are running.
So a terminal line example would be:
agent-socrata-control run --auto-accept-plugin-licenses --configure-plugin oracle:DV_LTNDOH_D02_VR_LICS
To reset the credentials, bring up your terminal in the directory with the socrata-ingress-agent.jar file and enter:
java -jar socrata-ingress-agent.jar --reset-credential
A little dialog box will pop up where you can enter your Data and Insights username/password. This will reset the credential and should resolve this issue.
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