A variety of plugins are available for Data & Insights Gateways. This list will change as plugins are added.
List of Plugins
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H -I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- A -
The Amazon S3 plugin provides access to data files hosted on S3. In the configuration of the plugin, you can specify a S3 URI (e.g. s3://mybucket/specific/path/) which will list sources from the last folder specified in the path. By default, the plugin reads from the root directory of the bucket.
Required Fields: Bucket, Region
Optional Fields: S3 Path
The AWS Athena plugin allows connection to external tables created using AWS Athena.
Required fields: Tables and Views, Catalog, Database, Password, Queries, Username, AWS Region, S3 Output Location
The AWS Snowflake plugin allows connection into Snowflake databases.
Required fields: Tables and Views, Database, Account, Password, Queries, Username
Apache Spark
Required fields: Job Args, Jar File, Class
- B -
- C -
The CKAN plugin reads items from a CKAN instance and ports them over. Allowable file types: csv, xls, xlsx, tsv, kml, kmz, json, geojson, zip.
Required Fields: CKAN URL
The COVID Tracker plugin allows easy access to data collected by the COVID Tracking Project.
Required fields: none
The CSV plugin reads a CSV file from a specified directory and uploads the contents of the CSV file. One CSV plugin can download all files in the root directory.
Required Fields: Root Directory
- D -
The DataSync plugin reads a SIJ file from a specified directory and uploads the contents of the specified CSV file.
Required Fields: Root Directory
- E -
The Elastic Search plugin supports access to Elastic Search endpoints to pull json given defined indices.
Required Fields: Port, Server
Required Fields: API Key, Password, Username
Is based off https://portfoliomanager.energystar.gov/webservices/home/.
Required fields: Username, Password
The ESRI plugin provides access to ESRI Map and Feature Servers via their REST endpoints. For more information about the ESRI REST service, please see the developer documentation.
Required Fields: ESRI REST URL
The Microsoft Excel plugin reads the contents of a specified sheet within an Excel spreadsheet and uploads its contents.
Required Fields: Root Directory.
The Microsoft Exchange plugin supports API access to metadata pertaining to email and calendar items linked to a specified account.
Required Fields: Email Address, EWS Server, Password
- F -
The FBI API plugin provides access to the API maintained by the FBI containing aggregate crime statistics reported through UCR annual reports. For more information about the API and getting an API key, please see: https://crime-data-explorer.fr.cloud.gov/api.
Required Fields: API Key
The FTP connects to a provided FTP server and allows access of files contained on the server.
Required Fields: Binary transfers, Host, Use passive mode, Password, Port, Username
- G -
The Google Analytics reads from the Google Analytics API. For information about creating a service account and downloading the credential file, see: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/authorization#service_accounts. For all metrics and dimensions information: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/dimensions-metrics-explorer/
Required fields: Credential File Path
The Google Sheets plugin supports reading directly from a particular sheet within the document and uploading the contents. The sheet must be set so that anyone with a link can view the sheet. Moreover, the API key should not have any restrictions. For more information on creating a Google API key, please see https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/api-keys . For information on the Google Sheets ID, please see https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts#spreadsheet_id.
Required Fields: API Key, Spreadsheet ID
- H -
The HAPI-FHIR plugin reads data from a server using the FHIR standard for health care data exchange. Data must use the H7 schema.
Required fields: Server URL
- I -
IAS World Koop connector
Required Fields: BASE EC2 Provider, Password, Client Tenant, Username
The IBM DB2 plugin provides access to tables and views within the specified IBM DB2 database.
Required Fields: Tables and Views, Database, Address, Password, Queries, Username
IMAP plugin for reading from email servers.
Required Fields:Password, Port, Server, Username
- J -
The JIRA plugin reads ticket metadata through the JIRA API. The default base fields that will be pulled are: creator, reporter, assignee, priority, status, updated, created, duedate, resolutiondate, summary, description. Custom fields can also be specified in the plugin configuration.
Required Fields: Custom Fields (optional), Custom JQL Query (optional), API token, URL, Username
- K -
- L -
- M -
The Marketo plugin supports access to Dynamics user reports and queries.
Required Fields: Client ID, Client Secret, Custom FIelds, URL
The Mark43 plugin reads from Mark43 CAD.
Required Fields: Department, Password, Username
The Microsoft Access plugin provides a connection to tables found in Access files.
Required Fields: Root Directory
The Microsoft Dynamics plugin supports access to Dynamics user reports and queries.
Required Fields: Client ID, Client Secret, Username, Password, Resource
The Microsoft Excel plugin reads the contents of a specified sheet within an Excel spreadsheet and uploads its contents.
Required Fields: Root Directory.
The Microsoft Exchange plugin supports API access to metadata pertaining to email and calendar items linked to a specified account.
Required fields: Email Address, EWS Server, Password
The Microsoft SQL Server plugin provides access to table and views within the SQL Server.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username (More information on how to use Windows authentication here )
The My Civic plugin provides access to the 311 call API for various issues.
Required Fields: Client ID, Client Secret, and City Secret
The MySQL plugin provides access to table and views within the MySQL database specified.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
- N -
Data integration for the New World Public Safety DSS Dashboard.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
- O -
The Oracle plugin provides table and view level data sources to be used to power Data & Insights datasets. The Oracle JDBC must be downloaded and the terms and conditions accepted. More information can be found at: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/application-development/jdbc/downloads/index.html.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
- P -
The Pendo plugin queries the aggregation endpoint of their API to request visitor events or track events.
Required Fields: API Key
The PostgreSQL plugin provides table and view level access to postgres databases.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
- Q -
- R -
- S -
The Salesforce plugin reads from the Salesforce API. Due to Salesforce restrictions, queries with two or more custom fields with long text fields are limited to 200 responses per request.
Required Fields: Password, Security Token, Username
SAP HANA database connector.
Required Fields: Tables and Views, Database (default: SystemDB), Address, Instance Number (optional), Password, Queries, Username
The SeeClickFix plugin provides API access to the SeeClickFix Open311 compliant API based on the V2 schema. For more information about the API and rate limits please see: http://dev.seeclickfix.com/.
Required Fields: Open 311 Account ID
Access to Service Now.
Required Fields: Password, URL, Username
The SFTP plugin connects to a provided SFTP server and allows access of files contained on the server.
Required Fields: Host, Password, Port, Username
The shapefile plugin grabs a local zipped shapefile and ingresses it into Data & Insights.
Required Fields: Root Directory
The Socrata (Data & Insights) plugin lists available datasets on the configured domain to be used as sources. It is conceptually similar to the Import from URL functionality. If credentials are not configured, then only public assets will be available. If credentials are used, assets available to that user will be available as sources.
Required Fields: Data & Insights Domain
Optional Fields: API Key (or username), API Secret (or password)
The SQLite plugin connects to a provided SQLite file and provides access to tables.
Required Fields: Root Directory
The Sumo Logic plugin allows searching.
Required Fields: Access ID, Access Key
The SurveyMonkey plugin reads responses from SurveyMonkey surveys using an access token
Required fields: Access Token
- T -
The Tyler 311 Plugin provides access to the 311 requests view within the DataBank.
Required Fields: Tables and Views, Database, Address, Password, Queries, Use Windows Auth, Username
The Tyler Energov Plugin enables to retrieve community development related data sets.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
The Tyler Incode 10 plugin reads from the database OData API for supporting financial transparency modules.
Required Fields: Client ID, Client Secret, Integration, Password, Start Year, Tenant, URL, Username
The Tyler Infinite Visions plugin reads from the database OData API for supporting financial transparency modules.
Required Fields: Client ID, Client Secret, Integration, Password, Start Year, Tenant, URL, Username
The Tyler Munis plugin enables the integration with the Tyler Munis ERP product for financial transparency modules.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Integration, Password, Query, Username
(NOTE: For other connections to Munis tables and views, the MSSQL plug-in is recommended)
The Tyler New World ERP plugin enables financial module integration with New World ERP system.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Integration, Password, Query, Username
The Tyler New World Public Safety plugin provides citizen connect and CompStat integrations with the New World system.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Integration, Password, Query, Username
The Tyler Odyssey plugin provides Data & Insights integrations with the Odyssey court system.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Schema, Username
The Tyler Odyssey e-Filing plugin provides Data & Insights integrations with the Odyssey File & Serve E-Filing.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Username
The Orion for Assessment Connect plugin provides access to stored procedures relevant to the Assessment Connect integration.
Required Fields: Database, Address, Password, Use Windows Auth, Username
- U -
The BEA plugin provides access to the Bureau of Economic Analysis API for various geographic and demographic details. More information about the API and the API Key please visit the User Guide: https://apps.bea.gov/API/signup/index.cfm
Required fields: API Key
The US Census plugin provides access to the Census API for the detailed, or "B" tables. Currently, the plug in cannot pull in data from the "DP" or "S" tables. More information about the API and the API Key please visit the User Guide: https://www.census.gov/data/developers/guidance/api-user-guide.html
Information on how to use the plugin can be found here
Required Fields: API Key
The US Energy Information Administration plugin provides access to the US Energy Information Administration API. More information about the API and the API Key please visit the User Guide: https://www.eia.gov/opendata/register.php.
Required Fields: API Key
The EPA plugin provides access Air Quality System (AQS) API. The AQS is the primary place to obtain row-level data from the EPA's Air Quality System (AQS) database.
Required fields: Key, User ID
- V -
- W -
https://www.waze.com/ccp: Supports traffic, alerts, and irregularities.
Required fields: Polygon (search area)
- X -
- Y -
- Z -
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