US Census Gateway Plugin

The US Census plugin provides access to the Census API for the information contained in the detailed, or "B tables". (A plug in for the "DP" and "S" tables is not yet available.) Users now have the ability to input various codes as parameters into the plugin configurations.

An API key is required to set up the Census Plugin. Refer to this guide for more information about APIs and how to request for an API key.

Information on available codes can be found on this page. All Census variable codes from the 'detailed tables' section can be used in the plugin configurations.

To use this plugin on a dataset, a Gateway agent and the US census plugin will first have to be configured on your domain. Please refer to the Data & Insights Gateway for Administrators and Data & Insights Gateway for Data Publishers guides for instructions on how to set up a Gateway agent and plugin. 

Users have the option to select from different data sources within the Counties, MSA, States, and Tracts categories as shown below. There is also an option to define as many variables as needed for multiple geographies.



To define geographies and other parameters, click on the User Defined Geographies option in either one of the selected categories > Select Use Defined indicators as the data source. 


A pop up will appear where you can define API indicators and geographies as shown below. You can then click on the blue  Start Import button to upload your data.  (Note: the Census API has a limit of 50 variables (parameters) that can be requested. This includes any filter parameters. Adding more than 50 parameters will result in 0 rows returned.)



To define parameters within a selected geography in a category, drill down to the list of available data sources within the selected state as shown below. Select Use Defined indicators as the data source. 


A pop up will appear where you can enter Censusus API indicators of your choosing. You can then click on the blue  Start Import button to upload your data. 









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