End of Support for Internet Explorer 11

To bring users the functionality, security, accessibility, and overall reliability that they expect, we rely on the functionality of modern browsers to allow our users to interact with our platform. In an effort to ensure that our users have the best experience with our products, we limit our compatibility to browsers that support the most up-to-date features.

Microsoft has announced that O365 will drop support for Internet Explorer 11 in August of 2021 and support for the desktop application will end on June 15, 2022. This move by the cloud software platform to stop supporting Internet Explorer prompted us to review our supported browsers, and we recognized that Internet Explorer has fallen behind in many capabilities. In particular, this browser does not allow for us to easily bring accessibility support to our applications, and limits our ability to provide a functioning product to all of our users.

Because of this end of support by Microsoft for their own browser, Data & Insights has decided to end support for IE11 beginning on June 21, 2021. After this date issues that only appear in Internet Explorer and result in NO loss of functionality will no longer be fixed starting on June 21, 2021. Data & Insights will still be available via IE after this date, but any issues related to site appearance and workflow that still allow users to use the platform will not be fixed.

On October 18, 2021, Data & Insights will end all support for Internet Explorer. At that time, any issues that only appear in Internet Explorer will no longer be fixed, regardless if this causes loss of functionality. Users will still be able to access Data & Insights after this time, but as the platform evolves beyond the capabilities of IE, users will likely begin to experience issues that will degrade their experience.

We encourage our users to begin using one of the supported browsers for our platform as soon as possible to continue to receive the experience we drive to provide all of our users on the platform. This will allow you to have the best functionality, highest security, and most accessible experience possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

As an Internet Explorer user, will Data & Insights stop working for me on June 21?

Not at all! Data & Insights will still be the same platform before and after this date, and we don’t expect large gaps in functionality to start showing immediately

What browsers should I be using to access Data & Insights?

Check out this support article for the most up-to-date information on browser support

Who should I contact if I have questions?

Please contact the Support team at datainsights-support@tylertech.com.

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