Once you have logged in, you will be directed to your profile page.
This page will display all datasets, filtered views, visualizations, forms, or stories you've created or that have been shared with you.
Users can filter assets by Version, Asset Type, Audience, Tags and Category.
The Profile page allows the user to customize and adjust how they interact with the Data & Insights platform. To edit these settings click on “Edit Profile”
The first pane allows users to update their profile image and basic information.
The next pane enables users to update their email, password, an customize their email preferences so that they only receive updates on the Data & Insights information that they’re interested in:
You can manage and create API keys and app tokens in the Developer Settings pane:
Users can now see which teams they are part of. *Enterprise Data Platform (Enterprise Data Platform) feature only*
As a site Admin, while viewing somebody else’s profile, the Admin will be able to see the other User's access details along with their application tokens.
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