
Please keep in mind: For security purposes, three failed login attempts within 15 minutes will result in your account being locked for 30 minutes.

If you are having any issues with signing into your Data & Insights account, please try the steps below that may assist you:

1. Ensure that Caps Lock is on/off as expected.
Double check both your username and password and make sure proper casing is being followed.

2. Check for spaces in your username/password.
There is a chance that there is a space before your username/password as well as after it, so double check that that is not the case. This is common when copying a username or password and pasting it into the field.

3. If you do not remember your password, you will need to reset it.
Steps on how to reset your password can be found HERE.

If you need more help, you can always file a support ticket



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