Asset List and Asset Inventory Dataset: Overview

What is the asset list?

The asset list contains information about every asset your site, providing a global view of all the data on your site. This tool has an entry for every dataset, view, story, etc. including published and unpublished datasets and views. It differs from the public catalog on your site, because it contains private and public datasets.

How do I access the asset list?

The asset management experience can be accessed through the administrative panel of your site.


Asset list Filtering

The asset list can be quickly filtered in a number of ways, depending on what you’re looking for.

The first filtering option is available in the upper left corner of the page, where you have four tabs: My Assets, Shared to Me, All and Federated. Clicking on any of these options will quickly show you all assets that you own, assets which have been directly shared to you, all assets you have permission to discover and access, or all assets that have been federated to your domain.

Or, you might want to filter assets by type -- you can do so by clicking on any of the asset type counts in the upper right corner. For example, clicking on the “4” next to Charts will quickly filter the page to only display the three charts on your domain.

Finally, there is a comprehensive set of filter options available in the Filter panel on the right side of the page. Available options here include:

  • Recently Viewed: checking this box will filter to show your most recently viewed assets
  • Asset Types
  • Visibility: Public or Private
  • Category: choose from a list of the categories defined on your domain
  • Tags: choose from a list of tags used on your domain

If you have any custom search facets configured for your public catalog, these facets will also be available for filtering in the asset list.

You can clear your filters at any time using the Clear All button next to the search box.


Asset Level Actions from Asset list

The Assets page can also be used to complete asset-level actions quickly. Simply click on the icon in the Actions column to view the available actions:

  • Edit Metadata: redirects you to the asset metadata management page
  • Manage Viewers: opens an overlay where you can modify the visibility of an asset
  • Manage Collaborators: opens a modal where you can invite other users to collaborate on the asset
  • Hide from Catalog: sets the selected asset to be hidden from the public Catalog allowing for more granular curation of public content. Note: private assets do not show up in the public Catalog, so hiding/showing a private asset does not change its Catalog status.
  • Transfer Ownership: opens a modal that allows you to transfer the asset to another user
  • Delete: clicking this option will open up an overlay asking you to verify that you’d like to delete the asset. For datasets with views built on top of them, the overlay will let you know how many associated views will also be deleted.


View as a Dataset

This asset is updated at least once per day to sync any changes, additional assets, or removed assets.
You can view the Asset list as a dataset via the button "Asset Inventory Dataset" in the All Assets tab. You can also find it by searching for "Asset Inventory," a table view, in your site’s Admin Datasets or Assets View. The Asset Inventory is a system dataset, so it is only available to roles with permissions to view private datasets on your site. You can learn more about the Asset Inventory Dataset here.

Note: If the "Asset Inventory Dataset" button is greyed out, you will need to reach out to us at to get your asset inventory dataset set up. 

How can I make use of the Asset Inventory Dataset?

The Asset Inventory Dataset is an important tool for program management and dataset tracking. You can search this dataset, sort it, filter and visualize as you would with any dataset. Here are some examples of ways to use the Asset Inventory to answer important questions.

  • What’s the breakdown of source datasets and derived views?  

    • Use the Exploration Canvas to Group on the Type column and Aggregate by the UID to see the breakdown of assets on the domain by type. 

  • What has been most recently published?

    • Sort the Creation Date column in descending order, so that the most recently created asset is at the top.
    • If you’d like to know only assets that are actually published, you can add a filter on the Publication Stage columns for “published.”
  • Who is publishing the most assets?

    • First, you’ll want to create a filter on the dataset for entries where the column Publication Stage is “published."
    • Then, like the above example for determining the breakdown of asset types, you'll want to Group By the columns Owner and Type, Aggregate by the column UID using the count function. Finally, sort the UID column in descending order to have the highest count at the top.



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