If you plan to set up a Sharepoint Plugin please reach out to the Data & Insights Support Team.
The Sharepoint plugin requires pre-configuration to allow it to connect.
- Create a service account that will have a username/password that will not expire and does not use SSO
- Log in to https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade as the service account
1. Register a new application
2. Give your application and name and set the redirect URI to http://localhost
3. Once it is created select the API permissions
4. Select the Microsoft Graph API
5. Delegate the permissions
6. Search for file and select the Files.Read.All permission
Why Read.All? Because you will more than likely want to share the resources with the service account rather than have the resource owned by the service account.
7. Go to the manifest tab
8. In the manifest, change the allowPublicClient
to true and save the manifest
9. Copy the client ID and use it for the plugin
note if you get a dialog that looks like:
You will need to contact an Active Directory admin to approve your application.
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