Using the Asset Action Bar


The action bar will appear on all assets except System Datasets. It will now be easier to create drafts, share with collaborators, and manage viewers on your assets!

The Action Bar

Below you can see the action bar on a published asset and all of the options that are available using the bar. 


1. The Asset Title

The title of your dataset.

2. Publication/Visibility

When the dataset is published, will show the visibility of the dataset. When unpublished, it will note the asset as a draft.

3. Edit/Publish

This option will allow you to either create a draft (when the asset is published) or publish a draft.

When in a published asset, to create a draft, simply click this Edit button. When you are ready to publish, select Publish (for new assets) or Update (for existing ones). Clicking Update will immediately replace the existing asset with your new changes.

4. Manage the Asset

Selecting this menu will bring up several management options. Using this option you can 

  • Manage Viewers - allows you to switch the dataset between Public and Private. 
  • Manage Collaborators - allows you to add collaborators to the asset.
  • Transfer Ownership - allows you to transfer the asset to another Data & Insights user. 
  • Copy this asset option allows you to make a copy of a published asset. 
    • This option is only available for Stories, Measures, Charts, and Maps.
  • Delete - allows you to delete the asset.

In draft mode, there will be a small yellow banner highliting the word 'draft' on the left, and an option to update your draft on the right.  From the kebab menu you will be able to view the published version of the dataset (when applicable), to manage collaborators, or to delete the draft.  Transfer Ownership is not available from draft mode.





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