Uploading an Image through the Data and Insights Dataset Management Experience

Did you know that you can upload non-parsable files such as images through the same tool you use to upload datasets? Here are the steps:

  1. Click the "Create" button in the internal navigation bar and select Dataset.create button in navigation bar
  2. Provide a name for the file you'll be uploading, then select Create Dataset.
  3. On the Draft page, click on Add Data.add data button on draft page
  4. Either select Browse and choose the image file you'd like to upload, or drag-and-drop the image file into the browser window to initiate the upload.
  5. Once the file has uploaded, select the Save button in the bottom right corner. Image_File___Manage.png
  6. Then select the Publish Dataset button in the action bar and follow the prompts to publish your image file. publish dataset button on draft page

And that's it!

Note: If you need a direct link to the image file itself (as opposed to the Primer Page of the asset), navigate to the Primer Page of the image asset and right-click on the Download button. Then, select Copy Link (different browsers use different phrases, such as Copy Link Location), and that is the direct link to the image file hosted on Data & Insights. You can confirm that it works by pasting it into a new tab in your browser and loading it.

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