The rights and permissions which govern the use of Data & Insights Gateway are explained below. Users with the Administrator or Internal User role on an Enterprise Data Platform domain are automatically granted certain permissions. However, any roled domain user may have ownership of a Gateway agent transferred to them, or be granted access to an individual plugin, in which case they will also receive an appropriate level of permissions regardless of their user role.
For instructions on how to share access to individual Gateway plugins, please refer to this how-to article.
If you are on an Open Data Platform domain, please refer to the Open Data Platform-specific version of this article.
Note: All of the below information pertains to default user roles. If you have any questions about custom roles in use on your domain, please reach out to
Administrators | Internal Users | Gateway Agent Owner (Any User Role) |
Gateway Plugin Collaborator (Any User Role) |
Access Gateway admin page | Yes They can see all agents and plugins. |
Yes They will only see agents they own. |
Yes They will only see agents they own. |
No |
Provision agents | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Add plugin | Yes They can add plugins to any agent. |
Yes They can only add plugins to the agent(s) they own. |
Yes They can only add plugins to the agent(s) they own. |
No |
Delete agent | Yes They can delete any agent. |
Yes They can only delete the agent(s) they own. |
Yes They can only delete the agent(s) they own. |
No |
Create dataset from plugin | Yes They can create datasets from any/all plugins. |
Yes Only from plugins configured under the agent(s) they own. |
Yes Only from plugins configured under the agent(s) they own. |
Yes Only from plugins that have been shared to them. |
Grant access to individual plugins | Yes They can grant access to any plugin for any user. |
Yes They can grant access to a plugin configured under the agent(s) they own. |
Yes They can grant access to a plugin configured under the agent(s) they own. |
No |
Access Schedules admin page | Yes | No | No | No |
Add schedule for a Gateway-connected dataset | Yes | Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
Edit schedule for a Gateway-connected dataset | Yes | Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
Yes Only if they are the owner or co-owner of that dataset. |
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