Socrata Performance Release Notes for 12/20/2016: Updated Admin Experience and Dashboard Preview

Unifying the Socrata Administration Experience

The Administration section on your Socrata Performance site has a new look! But if you also use Socrata Publica, it should look very familiar. We’ve updated the design and organization of the Performance Administration experience to match the one used in Publica (Open Data) sites, in order to provide a more consistent and easy-to-navigate Administrative experience across the Socrata platform.

All of the same sections are still available for you to use but with a couple of additions:

Spatial Lens: Configure custom boundaries that can be used to create Spatial Lens maps in Data Lens pages. (More information on Spatial Lens)

Connectors: Register a connector to bulk create and manage connected datasets from an ESRI ArcGIS Server catalog. (More information on Connectors)

Additionally, the section previously called “Datasets” is now called “Asset Inventory.”


Preview Your Dashboards

When you are editing your Performance dashboard, have you ever had one tab open with the dashboard editor, and another tab open with the dashboard that the public sees, so you can check changes you’ve made on the public version? Well the multi-tab editing process is needed no more!

Based on much feedback and an ongoing effort to improve the Performance editing experience, you can now preview your dashboards after making changes to ensure that everything looks as expected. When you click on your dashboard from the list of dashboards, you will be automatically taken to the edit mode to make your desired updates, and once done, simply click Preview to see what your new dashboard looks like.

This is just the beginning of the updates we’re making to improve the editing experience, so keep an eye on out for more to come soon!


Small Updates & Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a two issues in IE11: header dropdowns were not properly displaying, and some goals were not showing their prevailing measure charts.
  • Colors for fonts across the performance site, such as the goal status or the goal editor section headings, were adjusted to improve the contrast ratio and better meet accessibility requirements.
  • Updates and fixes for the Goal Inventory
    • The “Action” field in the quick edit modal for a particular goal now populates correctly when status override is being used.
    • Likewise, the “Status” field respects and correctly displays custom status configurations of a domain.
    • The layout for the confirmation and error messages on the goal inventory now correctly aligns on the top of the page, rather than covering up other areas of the header.
    • List of goals now compiles faster on the preliminary page load.
    • Improved the usability of the Open Performance API by adding validations for goal updates and updating the accompanying documentation.
    • Fixed two issues with the quick edit modal: previously, a user couldn’t change a measure to “Maintain” as the action, and couldn’t save above/below configurations without editing the range to trigger the correct validation.


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