Creating a Combo Chart

With a combo chart, you can choose any dimension (even a text column!), add multiple measures, and visualize them all together as both columns and lines. You can plot all measures on the same axis, or enable a secondary axis to view two sets of measures with varying scales.

Note that grouping is not supported for combo charts at this time. This means that your data should be in a fairly specific schema, with each measure split out into its own column, like this:


To create a combo chart, open up the visualization canvas and select the Combo Chart option:


Select your dimension, then proceed to the Data > Measure section to add your column(s) and line(s) as desired.

Note: You can configure up to 6 columns or lines respectively, totaling to 12 different measured values.

In the below example, we're building a combo chart with two columns, representing monthly Revenues and Expenses, respectively, and one line representing the monthly Cash Reserve.


The resulting chart looks like this:


From here, you can proceed with all of the customizations and annotations you might want, including custom colors for each series, adding a legend and axis labels, etc.

You can even use a secondary axis to enable greater scale flexibility and a clearer representation of your data. The axis settings are found under Axis > Dual Axis Options:


Once we add the chart titles, custom color palette, and update our axis, our chart is ready to go!


Try it yourself! The sample data used in this chart is attached to this article, so you can upload it to your data portal and test out the combo chart functionality.

For more details on how visualizations work, see this article.

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