Open Data Release Notes 6/19/2015 - Hide computed columns, bug fixes

Removed Computed Columns from the Data Table

  • To support Spatial Lens functionality, Socrata generates computed columns based on the location data in a dataset. Previously these computed columns were both visible in the data table and in the drop down menu when publishers choose to add a card during customize mode.
  • We’ve now made those computed columns no longer visible so that the data table more accurately matches the columns in the source dataset.  This change gives publishers the assurance they have control over what the end users sees in Data Lens.

Selected Bug Fixes and Patches

  • We’ve made more improvements in the flyouts in the timeline chart to have consistent styling.  On hover, the labels appear on the line graph.
  • Fix for the first column description missing in data table
    • previously when users hover over the header of the first column in the data table the description was missing

Note that the above releases notes are not exhaustive.  Release notes for other products can be found on this site as well.

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