Over the last few months we have been working hard on many of our products, and in the flurry of updates, accidentally published Open Performance release notes in different sections such as Perspectives and Open Data. To make sure you don’t miss out on any of the Open Performance updates, here is a recap of what’s happened since May of 2016. Going forward Open Performance releases will be documented in the Open Performance section because, well, it makes the most sense.
Open Performance APIs now Documented and Available
We’ve spent the past month hardening and documenting APIs for Open Performance goal and dashboard components. Any time you embed a goal tile in a story, you’re using the goal API. This documentation, now available on Apiary, enables Socrata’s developer teams and other trusted developers to use those APIs elsewhere — for example, to embed goal tiles with any desired styling on a third-party page.
Embed an Open Performance Goal Tile in Perspectives, Open Budget, and Open Expenditures
We recognize that there’s some overlap between Perspectives and Open Performance. And that’s intended, as we march toward a unified and modular platform encompassing both Open Data and performance management. The ability to embed a goal tile in a story is the first big integration step. Customers using both Open Performance and Perspectives can use this functionality to build ad hoc stories or lightweight dashboards, incorporating visualizations, narrative and dynamic links to a performance metric.
Many of our Open Performance users also publish financial data through Open Budget and Open Expenditures. With the ability to embed goal tiles in the new Related Content section of Open Budget and Open Expenditures, those users can tightly partner financial transparency and performance management initiatives and demonstrate the impact of budgetary investments to the public
For all embedded goals, as the goal status changes, so does the tile. It’s mobile responsive and built to be significantly more performant and reliable than the existing Open Performance goal tiles.
Asset Inventory
As an administrator, one of the keys to managing your open data and/or performance management program is having full visibility into the data and views your organization is publishing. We are releasing a new admin feature, the Asset Inventory, that gives you exactly that transparency through, what else, a dataset! Using the Asset Inventory, you can answer questions such as: How many datasets do I have compared to charts and other views? Which departments are publishing what data? What important metadata fields are missing and for which datasets? This empowers you to know what’s happening with your program and take meaningful actions. And since it’s a dataset, you can filter, visualize, access via API, and export the data like you would be able to with dataset on your platform.
The Asset Inventory is available on all Open Data and Open Performance sites.
Read this Knowledge Base article for more details on how the Asset Inventory works.
Job Status Page to Monitor Publishing Job Status
We added a new feature that allows publishers and administrators to track recent data publishing jobs, submitted via DataSync and the web interface. You can find a summary of the job under the Jobs page in the Configuration section. If the job failed, you can click on the Data Job Detail page to get more details.
Read this Knowledge Base article for more details on how the Jobs status page works.
Small Updates & Bug Fixes
- Fixed “page not found” error for new reports created using Report Builder
- Localized missing strings on the prevailing measure into Spanish, Catalan, Dutch and Italian
- Changed API prefix to /api/stat instead of /stat/api to align with the nomenclature of other api endpoints on the Socrata platform
- Links to a single goal tile (ex: /stat/goals/single/4x4) are now embeddable in Perspectives
- Users must now have the correct permissions to view a Data Lens page in Open Performance, and now sees the correct error if they do not have the correct permissions.
- Fixed broken automated tests for Open Performance frontend
- Open Performance no longer experiences performance degradation throughout the course of a session
- Fixed an issue related to the Rails 4 upgrade where Report Builder users could not create new reports
- Goal statuses can be configured via the domain config
- The service that runs the Open Performance frontend no longer hangs when attempting to auto-restart
- Goal tiles and pages now pull data from optionally configured goal statuses
- Full test coverage on new Open Performance work
- Reset the Procrustes github migration to preserve its history
- Cleaned up Procrustes dependency versions
- Set access-control-allow_origin header correctly for all error pages
Check out our other Product News, and give us a shout at datainsights-support@tylertech.com with questions or ideas.
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