Embed a Measure in a Perspectives Story

Want to create a Measure within your Story? Click here to learn how.

Embedding Measure metric cards and visualizations into Story pages is easy! Two of our Rich Media content boxes are designed just for this purpose. You can still use other content boxes, but these were designed specifically to fit metric cards neatly next to metric visualizations.

To begin, click Content Blocks and select the  or  options (second to last when you scroll down in the content box options), dragging it onto your Story page. Great_Story_Content_Block_Add_1.pngNext, click Insert within the content box (in this example, we'll be starting with the smaller frame on the left). In the Select Media Type pop-up, select Measure, then Select Existing from Catalog.



Identify the Measure you want to use from the asset selector and click "Select" (clicking the name of the Measure will open it in a new tab).


Note: Measures with the yellow lock next to the name are private. If you plan to share this Story, make sure that the person viewing the Story also has permission to view the measure. 

Once you’ve chosen a Measure, you will be prompted to choose whether to embed the metric card or the metric visualization in this portion of your content block. Since this example is using the content box with the smaller frame on the left, we'll start with inserting the metric card. If you want to customize the text of the link that will appear on the metric card, you can do that here as well.


To add the metric visualization on the right, repeat the steps above and select "Metric visualization" at the final step.

Here's the final result:


The two source links on the metric card and metric visualization will direct viewers to the complete Measure page (the View Measure link on the metric card) and the source data that powers it (the View Source Data link on the metric visualization). 

Note: If you have a status set on your embedded Measure, your metric card will render the status along with the border of the corresponding color.

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