How to Configure a CSV Gateway Plugin on a PC

You must have Java 8 or higher installed in order to install an agent to connect directly to your data sources.

To configure a CSV plugin for an existing Data & Insights Gateway agent: 

  1. Select the gear icon, then select "Administration."
  2. Select "Gateway."
  3. Click "Add Plugin."
  4. Name the plugin and click "Next."
  5. Copy the script.
  6. Open your command prompt. You may do this by hitting the Windows key on your keyboard and typing "cmd".
  7. Change directories to the directory where your agent is, then paste the script and hit enter. If you need help navigating your command prompt, view this YouTube video.
  8. When Java opens, navigate to the folder with CSVs you would like to put on your domain.
  9. Click "Open", then "OK."
  10. Return to your Data & Insights site and click "Done."
  11. Refresh the page and see your new plugin listed under the agent.

NOTE: For more information about Data & Insights Gateway agents, see Gateway Overview.

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