Site Analytics: Catalog Search Terms

The Site Analytics: Catalog Search Terms System Dataset includes data on the words and phrases inputted by users in search bars that look through the data catalog for relevant information. Catalog searches using the Discovery API are not included.

For steps on how to access this and other system datasets please see our article here.

The following user types are tracked in the User Segment column:

This represents logged in users who have a role on the domain.

This represents logged in users who do not have a role on the domain.

This represents users that have not logged in.


System Dataset Information

Time granularity - Data is presented at an hourly timeslice in UTC.

Update cadence - The dataset is updated by a system process at least once a day, if there is new data to record.

How to interpret the data - Each row in the dataset indicates the number of catalog searches made using the search term from the specified user segment during the noted hour.


The below record indicates there were 4 searches in the catalog for "new york city" by users in the site_member segment during the 2019 Dec 13 07:00:00 PM hour.


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