Site Analytics: Asset Access


The Site Analytics: Asset Access dataset provides detail on how all assets on a domain are being used (e.g. views, downloads, API reads).

For steps on how to access this and other system datasets please see our article here.

The following types of assets are included in the Asset Type column:

This represents calendar type visualizations.

This represents chart type visualizations.

This represents Data Lens assets.

The represents base datasets. Views created from base datasets are tracked separately as asset type = filter.

This represents external datasets that are federated to the dataset via data.json catalog connector.

This represents assets that have been uploaded as files.

This represents derived views of datasets.

This represents external datasets.

This represents map type visualizations.

This represents Measures assets.

This represents Story assets.

This represents legacy visualizations that are not part of the current Visualization Canvas library.


The following usage types are included in the Access Type column:

This represents the page views of the '.../data' page (commonly called the data table or tabular view page) and '.../explore' (known as the exploration canvas) of datasets and filtered views. This includes both the published and draft versions of assets.

This represents Primer page views of a given dataset or filtered view.

This represents downloads/exports of assets and covers the following actions:

a) when a user clicks the download/export link from the data table or primer page
b) when a user accesses the download URL link directly

This represents all API requests to datasets or derived filtered views and is defined by a request that accesses the SODA or '.../resource' endpoint. Paging through the SODA endpoint results with multiple requests will result in one record for each request made.

This represents the views of published Perspective stories and does not track draft ('.../edit') or preview ('.../preview') page views.

Please note: When loading a story page the assets (e.g. measures, visualizations) that are embedded on the story page are not tracked as separate page views of those measures, charts, maps, etc. The loading of a story page is tracked as one view of the story page itself.

This represents views of published visualizations and does not track draft page views.

This tracks the views of published measures and does not track draft page views.


The following user types are tracked in the User Segment column:

This represents users who have logged in and have been granted a role on the domain.

This represents users who have logged in but do not have a role on the domain.

This represents asset interactions from any entity (users, bots, crawlers, etc.) that has not logged in to the domain.


System Dataset Information

Time granularity -  Data is presented at an hourly timeslice in UTC.

Update cadence - If new data is present, the dataset will be updated by a system process at least once a day. Users cannot trigger these updates.

How to interpret the data - Each row in the dataset includes the following information:

  • Type of asset (column: asset_type)
  • Type of asset access (column: access_type)

  • Asset's unique identifier (column: asset_uid)

  • Asset name (column: asset_name)

  • Hour timeslice that the data represents (column: timestamp)

  • Type of user that performed the access action for the specified asset and hour (column: user_segment)

  • Number of actions for the specified asset, usage data type, hour and user segment (column: value)


The below record indicates that Strings and Ints which is a dataset, represented by the asset ID of fuvs-fxwc, had 3 primer page views by users in the site_member segment during the 2020 Oct 05 4:00:00 PM hour.


Notes on Values of 0 and Invalid Access Types

In earlier records of this dataset, sometimes the value column shows 0 accesses. This is due to a change in the way we defined an access event. A value of "0" or "invalid" indicates that we captured something that we previously included in our definition of that metric, and created a row as a result.  However,  subsequent iterations on our analytics definitions resulted in us no longer counting that event. If there were no other qualifying events for that hour and asset, we set the value to "0" in a backfill operation. 

Older Records

In February, 2021 we updated the Asset Access system. Asset access records prior to February 20, 2020 can be found in the administration panel in the "Site Analytics" link. This site can also be reached by going to {domain}/admin/analytics. These records can not be viewed in the platform, but they can be downloaded via CSV or JSON files.

These older records are not expected to correlate closely with our newer system. So the number of views and downloads recorded on asset primer pages or in the Asset Inventory dataset will likely not match the records displayed in the Asset Access dataset prior to February 20, 2021.


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