Upcoming Changes to Perspectives User Roles

Changes are coming soon to User Roles in Perspectives. The following article will overview the rights and roles after this change, for current user role information see: Understanding And Managing Perspectives User Roles.

Assigning user roles for Perspectives is key to creating, managing and publishing stories. Each domain user has a role on their Open Data domain. That role defines the types of actions that a user can perform for each asset. For information on Data & Insights Open Data permissions, check out all of the Open Data user roles.

Domain Level Roles

When Perspectives is deployed on a domain, two roles become available for administrators to assign to users, Publisher+Perspectives and Editor+Perspectives.

The “Publisher” piece of that first role means that the user can perform all actions available to dataset publishers on the platform. Likewise, the “Editor” piece of the latter implies all permissions available to dataset editors. The “+Perspectives” piece means that these roles are able to create new stories and make copies of stories.

Please see the below matrix for details on each role and their permissions. Note that with regards to Perspectives, the Administrator role and Publisher+Perspectives role have the same rights, except for transferring ownership (which only administrators and story owners can do).

Role-Level Permissions Administrator Publisher + Perspectives Publisher Editor + Perspectives Editor
Create a new story    
View all stories  
Make edits to all stories    
Publish edits to all stories    
Make edits to shared stories •     
Publish edits to shared stories    
Edit title and description    
Manage Viewers    
Manage Collaborators    
Make a copy    
Transfer Ownership        
Delete Story    

Shared Access Levels

Shared access levels on a story include view, contributor, and co-owner. Any user who has a role on your domain can be given access to a story, this includes users without “+perspectives” roles.

The below matrix shows details for the rights given to a shared user based on each of three levels: Co-Owner, Contributor, and Viewer.

Asset-Level Permissions Co-Owner Contributor Viewer
View shared stories
Make edits to shared stories  
Publish edits to shared stories    
Edit title and description    
Manage Viewers    
Manage Collaborators    
Make a copy      
Transfer Ownership      
Delete Story    
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